Friday, May 28, 2010

Dinner Time!

In many households people just don’t sit down for dinner anymore. Growing up in a strict Italian house hold it was mandatory to be home for dinner every night. At the time, I thought why? Why must I sit and eat dinner with my family every night? I thought my parents were trying to ruin my life, why can’t they just let me be. It turns out that was not the case at all. They were not trying to ruin my life, they were trying to instill their family values in us. Sitting together as a family with no television and no elbows on the table was a way for us to connect. Even though we didn’t get it then, I do now and I try as often as possible to sit around that table with the people I love, and enjoy the great family connection. So try it yourself, friends and family or who ever. Set a table cloth down organize a dinner time and everyone eats together with no distractions. There is nothing like a combination of people you love and great food and drinks.

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